Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lowry and Laminack and Literacy and Learning

Spring Break was great. I left the cold, rainy Alabama weather, and enjoyed a few days of sunshine in New York. One of the highlights of my trip was getting to spend time with Lois Lowry and Lester Laminack before Ms. Lowry's keynote at the Literacy and Learning Institute on Long Island. I spoke the next morning, and it was great sharing my thinking about writing and learning with such smart teachers. Thanks to friends (David Schultz and Denise Trainor) for inviting me to be a part of the conference. I always learn more about my profession and find myself re-thinking my teaching each time I present to groups of educators. And FYI Mr. Duncan--there ARE teachers out there who refuse to spend time "Racing to the Top" to boost test scores, but instead will spend entire weekends learning so that they can make school the best place it can be for each individual student.

Speaking of tests and Racing to the Top.....it's standardized test week(s) in Alabama. Tomorrow begins our two week high stakes testing "fun". I have two things to say about this:
1. " Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."--Albert Einstein

2. Hey Kid, Listen Up! (Everyone needs to read this Powerpoint from Marion Brady.)

I'm off to school to confer with my writers as they publish their very first fiction books of sixth grade and film their movie pitches for our "Make The World A Better Place 'Provokumentary' Project". (Note: This doesn't include filling in standardized bubble in answer documents.)

1 comment:

  1. I hear you, Sister. I'm at that crossroad with my own teaching practice. We talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Thank you for sharing your thinking. I've learned and applied so much to my teaching practice. My treasures are thriving. Keep Smiling!
