Monday, June 3, 2013

My Global Twitter PLC and Inspiration to Blog Again

If you are reading this post, you are probably shocked that I'm actually blogging....since my last post was in November of 2012.  I don't know what happened, but I just quit blogging publicly. Just quit. Just like that. For no particular reason. Maybe from fear of not having enough important things to say....maybe I used time (or lack of it) as an excuse...or that I blogged with my students on our kidblog account so that was enough?  Who knows?!  But I'm least more than I was six months ago.
Why? Well..I was reading my Twitter feed this past week, I clicked on a link and read a post that really resonated with me. The post was from one of my #nevermetinpersonbutoneofmymanyawesometwittercolleagues.
Justin Stortz, @newfirewithin, thanks for reminding me that it is our passion for teaching and learning and children that keeps us doing the work that we do. Thanks for inspiring me to get back to writing because in order to be a great teacher of writing, I have to keep writing daily, good or bad, and get my voice out into the world. Blogging more frequently will allow me to live out that passionate writing life and show my fourth graders this upcoming year how to write with passion and get their voices out into the world too.  
Just in case you didn't know..... Twitter is one of the greatest gifts and opportunities for a global professional learning community and worldwide friendships.
Follow me @acorgill and follow @newfirewithin too.


  1. Welcome back friend, I jumped right on that tweet to read your thinking!

  2. Thanks, Mandy--You are sweet to read. I am going to get back to this! It's time!
    I hope you're doing well and had (or are having) a great end of the school year. Happy Summer!

  3. So glad you're back - it's time for me to come back as well. I think Thursday, the first day of summer break, will be the perfect time to start!!

  4. Ann Marie- WOW! I'm gushing. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm honored to have given you the kick in pants to publish your writing again. We ALL need it at times. Writing changes you. Best wishes in your restart.

    - @newfirewithin

  5. So glad to check your blog and see this new post. It is not always the big ideas that inspire but the small reminders of why we do what we do!
